1933-34 Canadian Gum (V252)

Cards from the 1930s are outside of my target, and certainly outside of my budget, but once in a while you come across a piece of history you can't pass up. I reeled in Nelson Stewart's rookie card from the 1933-34 Canadian Gum V252 series for $5. It is ungraded, since it has been cut out into an octagon shape – common for this set if you look around. Still, I am happy to have one mangled and largely worthless card from this historic set.

There are only five Bruins cards in the set, but – like all of the 1930s releases – they are not easy to come by. Maybe I'll go after the entire series if Bob strikes oil in the backyard.

    Status: Incomplete (1/5).

  • Dit Clapper (RC)
  • Bob Gracie (RC)
  • John Sheppard
  • Alex Smith (RC)
  • Nelson Stewart (RC)