1933 Sport Kings

As I mentioned in my backstory, I have focused my collection of Boston Bruins team sets on official card releases from 1951-52 through 1989-90. I have some cards outside of this range, but the later ones are uninteresting, and I only have a handful from before 1951. One of those is the 1933 Sport Kings #19 Eddie Shore.

It is the only Bruins card from the famous multi-sport release, which features 48 athletes (including Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb), but only four hockey players. The others are Howie Morenz, Irvin Bailey, and Irvin Johnson.

The card is in decent condition, and is verified by PSA to be authentic, but received a poor grade due to a pencil mark on the back.

    Status: Complete (1/1).

  • 19 Eddie Shore graded PSA 1